Read and play in Dante’s Hell




Semiotics, Videogames, Teaching


The modes of production and reception of texts have been changed under the influence of digital technologies, demanding that the school, as a literacy agency, inquires about its work with new literacy practices and the consequence of this process for the learning of reading and writing that involves the multiplicity of cultures and semiosis, and considering the social contexts of which students are part. Starting from these reflections, and considering as basis the theoretical construct of discursive semiotics, with Greimas and Fontanille (1993), Barros (1997; 2002), Maietti (2004) and Fiorin (2009), this study chooses as object a proposal of reading of the passion of remorse in the digital narrative Dante’s Inferno, an adaptation of The Divine Comedy, developed by Visceral Games, in 2010, for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms. The aim of this study is to verify how a group of Elementary students, through mediation, understand the passionate journey of the protagonists of the narrative, while internalizing a methodology of analysis of the visual text, so important for the construction of meanings of texts produced in the contemporary times. The results show the he importance of using the syncretic texts, as recommended by the National Common Curricular Base (Brazil, 2017).


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Author Biography

  • Ana Paula Pinheiro da Silveira, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

    Docente da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Curitiba, PR, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Silveira, A. P. P. da. (2019). Read and play in Dante’s Hell. Estudos Semióticos, 15(2), 218-239.