The notion of text in Semiotics: from absolute text to object-text




Text, Semiotics, Epistemology, Hjelmslev, Textual path


This paper consists of a study on the notion of text in the semiotics of Greimas. In this work, a textual path hypothesis is presented, demonstrating how the generation of the text occurs from an epistemological notion to its manifestation in a semiotic object. Based on the studies of L. Hjelmslev (2013 [1943]) and A. J. Greimas (1974; 2008 [1979], in collaboration with J. Courtés), the importance of Hjelmslevian analysis for the constitution of the semiotic object is discussed and we present a hypothesis of organization of the textual generative path, revealing its poles and its intermediate instances – the textual instance and the textualization instance. The textual path, which has its beginning marked in the absolute text and its end in the manifestation of the object-text, helps to understand how the different objects (e. g. the song, the painting, the dance, the architecture, the social practices, etc.) can be conceived based on an unanalyzed, non-quantifiable and general notion. The proposal is expected to contribute to the discussion of the text as an object of semiotics.


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Author Biography

  • Letícia Moraes, Universidade de São Paulo

     Doutoranda do  Programa de Pós-graduação em Semiótica e Linguística Geral da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), SP, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Moraes, L. (2020). The notion of text in Semiotics: from absolute text to object-text. Estudos Semióticos, 16(3), 233-250.