Integrational Linguistics and semiotic history of Mathematics




Integrational linguistics, Epistemology, History of mathematics, Metalanguage, Writing, Numeration


This article proposes a presentation of and a discussion on Roy Harris’ Integrational Linguistics. We begin by summarizing the “language myth” characterization, the criticism addressed to it, and the integrational principles proposed in response. The integrational theses and arguments are then confronted with the results of several studies on the semiotic history of mathematics. An examination of the integrational criticism effectiveness allows us to reconsider the consequences drawn from it.


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Author Biography

  • Alain Herreman, Institut de Recherches Mathématiques de Rennes

    Maître de conférences en épistémologie et histoire des sciences. Ses recherches sont consacrées à
    l'histoire sémiotique des mathématiques et des sciences. Membre de l'Institut de Recherches
    Mathématiques de Rennes, France.


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How to Cite

Herreman, A. (2020). Integrational Linguistics and semiotic history of Mathematics. Estudos Semióticos, 16(3), 45-89.