Greimas and Psychoanalysis




Semiotics, Psychoanalysis, Interdisciplinarity


Greimas' relations to psychoanalysis have not so far given rise to any systematic studies. Nevertheless, since the publication of Sémantique Structurale (1966) Greimas puts forth his first semiotic models (including the acclaimed actantial model) in dialogue with  psychoanalysis, even though this dialogue was very controversial (as it can be seen, for instance, on his harsh criticism of Ch. Mauron's psychocritics). Greimas even evaluates his transformational narrative model by analyzing psychoanalytical psycodramatic sessions with M. Safouan's support. This paper aims both at specifying what the psychoanalytic field provided to Greimas' reflection, and at presenting some particularities that allow Greimas to defend the identity of semiotics, far exceeding his initial goal of founding a semantic field. Throughout this article, influences, homologations, and echoes of the psycoanalytic field on semiotics will be unveiled, notably from Greimas' careful reading of the Freudian text which he used to consider the most important, namely Die Traumdeutung (1942), although references to psychoanalysis right after Sémantique Structurale have been reduced down to complete absence. Ultimately, Greimas' rare allusions to Lacan's contributions (e.g. the concept of "assumption") will make possible to clarify the relationship between himself and Lacan, who among psychoanalysts used to be both the most attentive and the most critical partner of linguists.


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Author Biography

  • Ivan Darrault-Harris, Université de Limoges

    Professor emérito em Ciências da Linguagem na Universidade de Limoges, França.


FREUD, Sigmund. Gesammelte Werke, II-III, Anaconda Verlag, 1914.

FREUD, Sigmund. Die Traumdeutung. Gesammelte Werke, Bd 2, und 3. London: Imago, 1942.

GREIMAS, Algirdas Julien. Sémantique structurale. Paris: Larousse, 1966.

GREIMAS, Algirdas Julien; Courtès, Joseph. Sémiotique. Dictionnaire raisonné de la théorie du langage. Paris: Hachette, 1979.

GREIMAS, Algirdas Julien; FONTANILLE, Jacques. Sémiotique des passions. Paris: Seuil, 1991.

LAPLANCHE, Jean; PONTALIS, Jean-Bertrand. Vocabulaire de la psychanalyse. Paris: PUF Quadrige, 2002[1967].



How to Cite

Darrault-Harris, I. (2020). Greimas and Psychoanalysis. Estudos Semióticos, 16(1), 1-10.