Semiotics, power and intolerance: populism, human rights and the crisis of the Democratic Rule of Law




Semiotics, Populist propaganda, Intolerance, Esthesia regime


This article deals with the risks of the overthrow of central values ​​for the Democratic Rule of Law, from the rise of authoritarian political discourses, hate speech and the multiplication of intolerance in the contemporary world. Therefore, it considers the importance of the analytical-discursive contribution of General Semiotics, Semiotics of Power and Semiotics of Law. The analysis of the speeches reveals the way in which populist propaganda manipulates individuals through the appeal to esthesic and manipulation regimes. Thus, the rationality of democratic institutions, time and dialogue as preconditions for democratic exercise, the guarantee of diversity and pluralism are being eroded, while concessions to power and manifestations of intolerance are growing. Hence the importance that Semiotics has for the promotion of the participation regime, essential for the Democratic Rule of Law, once it is significantly affected by the contemporary crisis.


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Author Biography

  • Eduardo Carlos Bianca Bittar, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Direito

    Docente da Faculdade de Direito, da Universidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Bittar, E. C. B. (2021). Semiotics, power and intolerance: populism, human rights and the crisis of the Democratic Rule of Law. Estudos Semióticos, 17(1), 59-81.