The cognitive observer and the filmic adaptation of the outer and the inner space




Discourse semiotics, Audiovisual, Film language, Film adaptation, Film and proxemic-gestual semiosis, Paranoid Park (film)


In our analysis of the film adaptation of a scene of the novel Paranoid Park, three concepts of discursive semiotics are discussed and explored: the existence, in all types of text, verbal and non-verbal, of an observer / informant, who emerges from cognitive, pragmatic and thymic dimensions of the discourse; the cognitive modalization of space, performed by the observer / informant, who generates fiduciary contracts between the observer, and what we will call enunciatee-observee; and the filmic plan, understood as a proxemic-gestural tensive figure, capable of its own accent, built in the composition of plasticities, movements and distances of the observed. The filmic cinematic and plastic content will be seen both as audiovisual text, and as tense and embodied proxemic-gestural text, capable of ludic and aesthetic gestures. The analyzed scene, which narrates the triggering fact of the narrative, and can be called, from the tensive semiotics point of view, event, reveals that the observer uses two different strategies for the enunciation of space, organizing different tempos in the sequence. The first part will be pragmatic and intense, related to the action and the exterior space; the second will be thymic and more intense, related to emotions, the sensitive, and the interior space.


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Author Biography

  • Edison Gomes Junior, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso

    Docente da Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (Unemat), MT, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Gomes Junior, E. (2021). The cognitive observer and the filmic adaptation of the outer and the inner space. Estudos Semióticos, 17(1), 158-180.