The virtual, the update and the present time in Émile Benveniste: a reading about the "void" sign




Personal pronoun, Virtual sign, Void sign, Émile Benveniste


This work aims to resume the relationship between the temporality of the discursive instance and the non-virtuality characterization of the personal pronoun, or “void sign”, by Émile Benveniste. The main hypothesis is that the personal pronoun, which can only be considered as an update, does not presuppose the representation of the present time, proposed by Benveniste as the original and exclusive form of enunciation. The virtuality of the sign, predicted by Benveniste, becomes a way of explaining the permanence or “eternity” of the present time, given the unique condition of each utterance, which is repeated in the face of every new appropriation of language by the announcer.


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Author Biography

  • Marcelo Corrêa Giacomini, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

    Professor adjunto do Departamento de Direito da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), campus
    GV, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Giacomini, M. C. (2022). The virtual, the update and the present time in Émile Benveniste: a reading about the "void" sign. Estudos Semióticos, 18(1), 81-97.