An uncertain couple?


  • Claude Zilberberg Séminaire Intersémiotique de Paris



Transcendence/Immanence, Absolute/Universal values, Concessive constraints, Event, Knowing/Believing


This article approaches the problem of immanence without separating it from the original dichotomy of which it participates both in Philosophy and Semiotics. The following hypothesis is developed: transcendence is the boundary of accepted immanence. This concept can also be expressed in two different ways: a positive one, enunciated from the perspective of transcendence, in which transcendence would be considered the space that encompasses unresolved or poorly resolved difficulties in immanence; a negative one, enunciated from the perspective of immanence, in which we would say that, for instance, the lack of affective control transfers its remains to the open space of transcendence. The immanence/transcendence relationship is simply an alternation that is dependent upon another deeper opposition conceived through the theory of value in Semiotics: that of absolute vs. universal values. It is, ultimately, the subject who evaluates, measures, and relativizes the domain of transcendence in relation to immanence; via the latter’s analysis operations, the dimensions of transcendence, be it intensity or extent, gain and lose the capacity to be analyzed.


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Author Biography

  • Claude Zilberberg, Séminaire Intersémiotique de Paris

    (1938-2018). Séminaire Intersémiotique de Paris, France. Website pessoal:


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