The objective of psychoanalytical treatment for Freud and for Winnicott




Freud, Winnicott, treatment, suffering, continuity of being


This article aims at showing the general, theoretical, and descriptive aspects of the psychoanalytic treatment objectives according to Freud and Winnicott, to elucidate some continuities and ruptures in their conceptions on the goal of the psychoanalytic psychotherapeutic process. In this context, this study shows that Freud sees the objective of the psychoanalytic treatment as a stability of the self in interpersonal relationships under the pressure of the instinctual life and superegoic values (also related to sexuality) stated both in a meta-psychological and descriptive manner, aiming at reducing the suffering. Winnicott, expanding Freud’s proposal, regards this goal as being beyond the instinctual and sexual life (although he takes it into account), searching a place to be and to continue to be, to feel real and live one’s own life, even if this involves suffering.


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Author Biography

  • Leopoldo Fulgencio, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Educação. Departamento de Psicologia da Educação e do Desenvolvimento Humano

    Professor do Departameto de Psicologia da Educação e do Desenvolvimento Humano do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. 



How to Cite

Fulgencio, L. (2018). The objective of psychoanalytical treatment for Freud and for Winnicott. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 23(2), 344-361.