Between the hospital and school: cancer in children


  • Ruth Helena Pinto Cohen Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Instituto de Psicologia
  • Amanda Gonçalves da Silva Melo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Instituto de Psicologia



Children with cancer, illness, psychoanalysis, education


In this paper we propose to raise some dilemmas of school children fell ill with cancer. When we realize their impediments to school we seek to bring into discussion issues related to barriers imposed by illness, social ties and the school institution itself. Our guided interventions by psychoanalysis have indicated that childhood, when entered in the hospital, undergoes changes that require a reorganization of libidinal investment of the child, parents and professionals involved in the process. Even though Brazilian law recognizes the right of children and adolescents admitted to the pedagogical-educational service, which choices are the subject child? What can a psychoanalyst, challenged in his city, to respond to these dilemmas without sacrificing their ethics in the bond established with the areas of health and education?


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Dossier: Psychoanalytic Approaches in Education: Research and Practice

How to Cite

Cohen, R. H. P., & Melo, A. G. da S. (2010). Between the hospital and school: cancer in children. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 15(2), 306-325.