Is it possible to talk about a "primitive" writing desire?


  • Gérard Pommier Universidade de Strasbourg



desire to write, pulsion, representation, enjoyment


The hipothesis presented in this article is that the willing to write answers a psychic pressure that expresses itself in the "desire to write". The writing sustains a particular solution to the subjective division: it is a reconciliation, even if temporary, with the body of enjoyment to whom the subject is exiled, since the beginning. In this sense, it is a primitive desire to write, as it makes explicit the writing of the inconscient. The text sustains that the invention of the writing is a structure's necessity. It refers to a need of recovering of what was lost through the voice, through the pulsional way, by a visual media. And discusses the concept of representation to be able to present, in distint waysm representational conditions of the body and the subject.


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How to Cite

Pommier, G. (2008). Is it possible to talk about a "primitive" writing desire?. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 13(24), 14-23.