Jornalismo comunitário, políticas públicas e desafios contemporâneos


  • Luiza Giovancarli Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades



communitarian newspaper, public policy, democratization of communication


The communitarian newspaper as it exists in the 1970s and 1980s on the east side of São Paulo, with democratic perspective and interest in popular participation gives way to a marketing journal with little community participation. Public policies for communication can be an incentive to such practices linked to an emancipatory perspective of those, however, its limits may arise in institutionalization of the popular initiatives as well as problems related to the dynamics of the state. It concludes that the policies for communication need to present a less bureaucratic character and should be linked to a real media democratization policy. In addition, we need to discuss and encourage popular communication initiatives beyond state action


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Author Biography

  • Luiza Giovancarli, Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades
    Jornalista e mestranda em Estudos Culturais pela Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo. Também participa do jornal comunitário "Jornal da Várzea".



How to Cite

Giovancarli, L. (2016). Jornalismo comunitário, políticas públicas e desafios contemporâneos. Revista Extraprensa, 10(1), 49-62.