Funk and reggaeton: a comparative historical periodization


  • Clara Marins Monteiro Federal Fluminense University (UFF)



funk, reggaeton, legitimation, cultural industry


Funk and reggaeton are hybrid musical genres, influenced by the performativity and aesthetics of American hip hop, being today two of the most popular youth manifestations in Brazil and in several Latin American countries of the last 30 years. Considering the peripheral contexts in which these musical genres emerged and developed, this article seeks to draw a brief description and contextualization of both, from their geography, musical aesthetics, power relations to which they are conditioned, passing through events that sought to criminalize them and others that gave them legitimacy.



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Author Biography

  • Clara Marins Monteiro, Federal Fluminense University (UFF)

    Master of the Postgraduate Program in Culture and Territoriality - UFF. Graduate in Cultural Production - UFF


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How to Cite

Monteiro, C. M. (2019). Funk and reggaeton: a comparative historical periodization. Revista Extraprensa, 12, 798-811.