Remain (being) in the city: values, actors and actions of permaculture in the Municipality of São Paulo


  • Bárbara Machado Mazzetti University of São Paulo (USP)



Permaculture., Urban Medium., Values., Identity., Municipality of São Paulo.


As a result of the junction of ideals and the contraction of the words "agriculture" and "permanence," Permaculture is a philosophy that consists of a set of design principles for the “permacultural creation of space”. The research aimed to verify how Permaculture occurs and is practiced as an alternative culture - and, in this case, urban - by the organizations and groups present and active in the City of São Paulo. An interactive online map with data from the 38 organizations and groups of Permaculture found in the Municipality was prepared and 6 semi-structured open interviews were conducted. The occurrence of a socio-cultural counterculture phenomenon has been confirmed, based on shared values and traits of cultural identity that converge, strengthen and promote links between actors, public space and ecological practices.


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Author Biography

  • Bárbara Machado Mazzetti, University of São Paulo (USP)

    Bárbara Machado Mazzetti holds a Bachelor's Degree in Leisure and Tourism and a Master's Degree in Cultural Studies from the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo - EACH USP. She is a researcher in the areas of Leisure, Tourism, Cultural Studies, Identities, Permaculture, Dance and Cultural Production.


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How to Cite

Mazzetti, B. M. (2019). Remain (being) in the city: values, actors and actions of permaculture in the Municipality of São Paulo. Revista Extraprensa, 12, 574-595.