Legitimation processes and permanence in the art market: an analysis of the trajectory of artists Andy Warhol and Vik Muniz


  • Cássia Pérez da Silva University of São Paulo (USP)
  • Jane Aparecida Marques University of São Paulo (USP)




art market, art system, process of legitimation, Vik Muniz, Andy Warhol


This article studies the American artist Andy Warhol and the Brazilian Vik Muniz with the hypothesis that Muniz uses strategies of diffusion and permanence at the market similar to those practiced by Warhol in the 1960s and applies them in the context of the contemporary Brazilian art market since the 1990s by extending these practices to the global art market. Considerations have be made regarding the process of legitimizing contemporary artists, raising the debate that artists make it a legitimating project that encompasses a network together with cultural agents and consumers, aiming to demonstrate the market awareness developed by the artists studied.

Keywords: art market, art system, process of legitimation, Vik Muniz, Andy Warhol.


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Author Biographies

  • Cássia Pérez da Silva, University of São Paulo (USP)

    Cássia Pérez da Silva is a master's student at the Interunit Postgraduate Program in Aesthetics and Art History at the University of São Paulo. Scholarship for the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil (CAPES).

  • Jane Aparecida Marques, University of São Paulo (USP)

    Jane A. Marques is a Lecturer in Communication and Marketing at EACH (USP). He works in the Postgraduate Program in Aesthetics and History of Art and in the Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship, both from the University of São Paulo.


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GT1 - Produção, circulação e fruição de bens culturais

How to Cite

Silva, C. P. da, & Marques, J. A. (2019). Legitimation processes and permanence in the art market: an analysis of the trajectory of artists Andy Warhol and Vik Muniz. Revista Extraprensa, 12, 136-151. https://doi.org/10.11606/extraprensa2019.153465