Economic downturn and visions of digital ecologies


  • Decio Ferreira Forni University Anhembi Morumbi (UAM)



Degrow, Sustainability, Futurism, Post-human, Ecology of communication


The object of study here is the questioning of the vision of digital ecologies that privilege futuristic perspectives to some detriment of short-term social and economic critiques. Corroborating with scholars who have been looking for an intermediary route of the subject, with an interesting criticism to the discourse of sustainable, which still proposes to grow always, in the face of the proposal of degrow, which seeks an organic vision of economy and life. If (part) of the ecology theory of communication uses the renewal of the view of sociology, in which the human being was the center of questions, for a planetary view, the main goal here is to use all current intelligence to center on the human now. There are cited authors related to the discussion of decay (Pinheiro, 2017), digital ecologies (Felice, 2012), challenges in cognitive capitalism (Negri., 2003), which lead to new epistemologies (Souza, B. encephalization of communication (Pasquinelli, 2018) and suggests solutions.


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Author Biography

  • Decio Ferreira Forni, University Anhembi Morumbi (UAM)

    Ph.D. in Communication and Semiotics (PUC / SP, 2013), Master in Management and Planning (PUC / SP), Postgraduate in Marketing Communication (ESPM / SP, 2009), Graduate in Advertising and Publicity (UMESP, 1989) ). Professor in marketing and business courses at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Former professor of Advertising and Marketing courses at Fapcom, ESPM, Unisantanna, among others and postgraduate in Mackenzie and Fecap. He has worked for more than 15 years in national and multinational companies in the mentioned areas. Socio-Effective of Abciber, Brazilian Association of Cyberculture.


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GT1 - Produção, circulação e fruição de bens culturais

How to Cite

Forni, D. F. (2019). Economic downturn and visions of digital ecologies. Revista Extraprensa, 12, 170-183.