Fanatism and resistance in the skin: passions and histories consumed in the body


  • Selma Felerico School of Communication and Arts - University of São Paulo (ECA / USP)



Football fan, Identity, Resistance, Consumption, Body


Parcial result of research project (still in development), on the male body identity, consumerism and publicity, under entitled Skin Fanatics, this paper indicates some reflections on the tatoos of soccer fans inspired by soccer players and their respective clubs and the building of mediatic identities associated to publicity, considering the re-discovery of the body with great comsumption power and  social resistance.  For such, we have taken into account theoretical studies by Casaqui, in terms of publicizing, Braga, with discursive language and body studies by Le Breton, among others. From a research on tatoos in digital media, we verify the predictable indigital media of the tatoo repertoire, once they are imagetic elements of teams that are recognized in the sports area, and they register pictures and moments of the athletes that reinforce passionate ideas. As a result, we face a consumption segment regarded by publicity and it validates contemporary bodies. 


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Author Biography

  • Selma Felerico, School of Communication and Arts - University of São Paulo (ECA / USP)

    Post - Doctorate in Communication by ECA / USP; PhD and MS in Communication and Semiotics at PUC-SP; Professor of Communication at ESPM; Professor of Marketing and Brands at Universidade São Judas Tadeu. Member of the Research Group Communication, speech and poetics of ESPM's PPGCOM consumption; Author of the book: From Body to Body Immediat. The Narratives of the Body in the Brazilian Journal.


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How to Cite

Felerico, S. (2019). Fanatism and resistance in the skin: passions and histories consumed in the body. Revista Extraprensa, 12, 457-470.