Production and circulation of books in Brazil: the bestsellers of initiation of the publishing house Brasiliense (1890-1905)


  • Ana Carolina Ramos Slade Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)



Cultural history, Social Communication, Book Story, Publishing, Brasiliense Publisher


Founded in 1943, Brasiliense acted as one of the most prominent publishing houses in Brazil, specifically in two different historical moments: the period of the Populist Republic (1945-1964), known for the flourishing of progressive publishing houses, and returning to democracy, with the end of the military dictatorship 1980s. In this second phase, Brasiliense invests in collections for young audiences, providing a series of book readings that give rise to improbable bestsellers of cultural initiation, such as the collection "Primeiros Passos" [First Steps]. In this article, we will adopt Roger Chartier's notions of Cultural History (2002) and the bestseller concepts proposed by Muniz Sodré (1988), Sandra Reimão (1996) and Umberto Eco (1970) to reflect on the catalog's formation of the publishing house, the productive processes and the ideological literary circuit with the objective of problematizing possible contributions of the publishing market to the establishment of critical visions of the social world.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Carolina Ramos Slade, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

    Ana Carolina Ramos Slade holds a master's degree in Social Communication from PPGCOM UFRJ. Graduated in Social Communication from UERJ and UFRJ, she has been working in the publishing market since 2009. This article is part of her research for the thesis in Book History in Brazil about Editora Brasiliense in the 1980s. She is currently Coordinator of Digital Marketing at Editora Intrínseca.



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Teses acadêmicas

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GT1 - Produção, circulação e fruição de bens culturais

How to Cite

Slade, A. C. R. (2019). Production and circulation of books in Brazil: the bestsellers of initiation of the publishing house Brasiliense (1890-1905). Revista Extraprensa, 12, 184-197.