Cultural Production and Public Relations: analysis of the Feirão da Resistencia


  • Danilo do Amaral Santos Lagoeiro State University of Londrina (UEL)
  • Rafaela Gil Ribeiro State University of Londrina (UEL)



cultural production, public relations, occupation, social movements


The objective of this article is to present possibilities of theoretical-practical dialogues between the activities of Public Relations and Cultural Production, having as a case study the event entitled "Feirão da Resistência e da Agraria Reforma", which occurs monthly in the urban occupation of the Movement of Artists from Rua (MARL) of Londrina, state of Paraná, aligned with the Movement of Landless Rural Workers of the northern region of Paraná.


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Author Biographies

  • Danilo do Amaral Santos Lagoeiro, State University of Londrina (UEL)

    He holds a degree in Social Communication - Public Relations habilitation from the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2005); postgraduate degree in Popular Communication and Community by the State University of Londrina-UEL (2008) and is a Master in Visual Communication also by UEL (2011). He was a lecturer in the area of ​​Communication Theory by the Communication Department of UEL, working in Journalism, Public Relations, Social Work and Performing Arts (July 2011-August 2013). He is a researcher at the Center for Research in Popular Communication (NCP) and a guest lecturer in the Specialization in Popular and Community Communication (UEL) since 2011. He is a producer and actor of Cia. Teatro de Garagem. He is currently a collaborating professor at UEL by the Communication Department in the Public Relations area (2016-2018). The pedagogical and interdisciplinary research activities cover the following areas: public relations, ethics and organizational culture, visual culture, cultural production and criticism, performing arts, memory and history, communication and popular education.

  • Rafaela Gil Ribeiro, State University of Londrina (UEL)

    Graduated from the Public Relations course at the State University of Londrina (UEL), admission in 2016 and completion scheduled for 2019.


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GT1 - Produção, circulação e fruição de bens culturais

How to Cite

Lagoeiro, D. do A. S., & Ribeiro, R. G. (2019). Cultural Production and Public Relations: analysis of the Feirão da Resistencia. Revista Extraprensa, 12, 198-210.