Representations, representations and dysmorphisms: mediatization of identities


  • Ricardo Alexino Ferreira Universidade de São Paulo



Representations, Representativities, Dismorfias, Identities, Media


Representations and representations are not synonymous words, but bring the problematization of blacks and other groups of diversities in their intersections with the media. This article seeks to conceptualize the terms and demonstrate the differences of understanding between scientific discourse and that of militancy. Currently, representations have been widely spoken and positivized, especially in media products. Some Black social groups consider that the mere fact of having Black protagonists or a majority of Black actors in a work or Black presenters on television would be enough to talk about representativity. On the other hand, the term representation, which has been considered as a research line since the late 1980s, has been reworked and developed in an epistemological field that makes it possible to understand ethnic-social phenomena and to deconstruct and reconstruct the term representativity and place it in a more critical context.


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Author Biography

  • Ricardo Alexino Ferreira, Universidade de São Paulo

    Ricardo Alexino Ferreira is an associate professor (lecturer) at ECA-USP and permanent professor at the Interdisciplinary Humanities, Rights and other Legitimate Studies Program (USP).


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How to Cite

Ferreira, R. A. (2020). Representations, representations and dysmorphisms: mediatization of identities. Revista Extraprensa, 14(1), 341-352.