Climate as a new urban common: thermal comfort on the right to the city agenda




Urban commons resources, Right to the city, Urban climate, Thermal comfort, Cool commons


This article seeks to contribute to the theoretical debate on the urbanization process and its impact on the use of common resources in cities (urban commons) in the face of climate change inherent in the contemporary urbanization model. Parks, streets, buildings, energy, and water are recognized as urban common goods, however, with the increase in climatic risks inherent to the process of densification of these spaces, the increase in temperatures has generated discomfort and health problems for its inhabitants. In this work, we approach the climate as a common good, associated with the concern of climate change in cities from the concept of thermal comfort (cooling the commons). Based on a dialectical approach to the contradictions and limits of Ostrom's theory of the commons adapted to the urban context, we aim to contribute to the theoretical debate on urban commons through articulation with Lefebvre's “right to the city” claims. In order to go beyond the public-private antithesis, State-market, it is possible to rethink shared and sustainable practices and alternatives for the social production of space so that urban praxis is socially and environmentally fair for all.


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Author Biographies

  • Jaqueline Nichi, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Environment and Society at IFCH/Unicamp

  • Carolina Malagutti Fassina, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Environment and Society at IFCH/Unicamp

  • Marcelo Soeira, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    PhD student at the Postgraduate Program in Environment and Society at IFCH/Unicamp.


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Southern Digital Ecologies

How to Cite

Nichi, J. ., Fassina, C. M., & Soeira, M. R. C. . (2023). Climate as a new urban common: thermal comfort on the right to the city agenda. Revista Extraprensa, 17(1), 155-173.