Etnomidialogia e a interface com o politicamente correto
Communication, "Ethno-medialogy", Representations, Socio-acentric, MediaAbstract
This article aims to understand the process of information construction in contemporary socio-involving acentric, ie, those segments with little social and political representation. In analyzing this phenomenon is possible to see that political correctness is part of this process at the time the communication media need to find appropriate terminology and not stereotyped to name these segments. The factors leading to this concern are multifactorial, involving the pressure of social movements targeted, who criticize the productions of these vehicles to change the status of objectified for citizens of socio-acentric. Paradoxically, the politically correct term is seen clashes and suffering in many historic moments, such as censorship of the media. To deal with these contradictions, navigates in this article" Ethno-medialogy", which is still a new concept in communication studies at its intersection with the ethno-cultural diversity, gender, sexual orientation and other, allowing communication to understand their meaning in multi media and transmidiático and as an integrated, interdisciplinary and specialized. It also seeks to understand the politically correct in this process and its contemporary way.
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