A sociabilidade imaginada: processos de simbolização e ressignificação da identidade rural goiana
Goiás Rural Imaginary, Goiás Rural tourism, SociabilityAbstract
Research on Goias´s rural imagery pf which aims to study and understand the motivations that lead the individual to pursue the countryside as a place of leisure and sociability, a state in which, culturally, rural characteristics predominate. Initially, it focuses on historical aspects with the purpose of reconstructing what actually existed in the imagination of the rural society from Goiás through recognized authors. The following interviews were performed with random rural tourists, whose mostly were tourists from rural areas, due to the predominance of existence of a rural status in the state. Data analysis shows the predominance of rural status in the state, but it is pereceveid changes in the re-establishement of the traditional symbolism on rural. We conclude that the Goias rural imaginary is full of symbols originated from the rural tradition of Goias, although in re-building new meanings, reflections of a past aggregating the collective memory.Downloads
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