La salud en los medios de comunicación brasileños: en busa de la superación de las semejanzas entre el local y lo nacional


  • Simone Terezinha Bortoliero Universidade Federal da Bahia



Media and health, Bahia research, Beyond te biomedical model


This article aims to address the "state of art" for research that focus on how health is linked in  the Brazilian media produced in the last decade by the Federal University of Bahia. The results of three surveys addressed: 1) the knowledge of journalists on health and its representation in the newspaper "The Evening" (2008); coverage on the use of human embryos ins stem cell research which culminated in the in the judgment of the direct action of unconstitutionality (ADI 3150), the Supreme Court - STF (2010) in spreading the use of stem cells for the treatment of Chagas disease in Bahia, Bahia bound by the TV and in the newspaper "The Evening" (2006), which showed similiarities despite the use of different methodologies, with other surveys in this field undertaken in Brazil since the 80s. Researchers pioneers of this Bahia thematic point to the need to overcome the biomedical model that pays attention to disease, so that the science among the national media can effectively treat health.


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Author Biography

  • Simone Terezinha Bortoliero, Universidade Federal da Bahia
    Professora da Faculdade de Comunicação, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cultura e Sociedade.






Dossiê: Produção midiática

How to Cite

Bortoliero, S. T. (2014). La salud en los medios de comunicación brasileños: en busa de la superación de las semejanzas entre el local y lo nacional. Revista Extraprensa, 7(2), 98-111.