Current Issue

Vol. 29 No. 1 (2024)
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The journal Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade, edited by the University of São Paulo, publishes articles, reviews, translations and interviews from national and international scholars in open access since 1996. Our thematic scope comprises not only German Philosophy, but, more generally, reflections concerning modernity, as understood from the theoretical framework provided by the heritage of critical philosophy.

This journal was created by the group FiCeM - Filosofia Crítica e Modernidade (Critical Philosophy and Modernity), a group of scholars of several Brazilian universities, and our Editorial Board gathers scholars from universities in Latin America, United States and Europe.

Currently, we publish articles, reviews and interviews in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English and translations to Portuguese - in volumes released at least every six months and in special Dossiers.


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