Moral Sentiment in the Context of the Philosophies of Jacobi and Reinhold




Jacobi, Reinhold, Freedom, Sentiment, Consciousness


The large number of letters exchanged between Jacobi and Reinhold demonstrates their strong intellectual relationship. The frequency of these letters is intensified mainly from 1793 up to 1800, period in which Reinhold questions his own doctrine of freedom and devotes himself to the studies of the Wissenschaftslehre, which he ultimately embraces in 1797. Less than two years later, however, he converts to Jacobi’s Philosophy, with whom he cultivates, in fact, a greater connection of thoughts, as they nourished the same enlightened vision of reason. This article proposes to analyze the converging conceptual points of the thought of both authors.


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How to Cite

Fracalossi , I. (2023). Moral Sentiment in the Context of the Philosophies of Jacobi and Reinhold. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 28(2), 45-56.