Intuition, belief, and immediate knowledge: Jacobi, Fichte and Schelling between Hegel’s Faith und Knowledge and his Lectures on History of Philosophy




Faith, Intellectual intuition, Immediate knowledge, Method, Post-Kantianism


The aim of this article is to indicate that in Fichte’s critique in Faith and Knowledge, referred to Jacobi's notion of believe, one can already glimpse Hegel's position in Lessons on the History of Philosophy on the link between Schelling and Jacobi, with regard to the notions of intellectual intuition and immediate knowledge.


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How to Cite

Brandão, E. (2023). Intuition, belief, and immediate knowledge: Jacobi, Fichte and Schelling between Hegel’s Faith und Knowledge and his Lectures on History of Philosophy. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 28(2), 13-22.