The concept of freedom and the systematic unity between theoretical and practical reason in Kant


  • Monique Hulshof Universidade Federal do ABC, São Paulo



Kant, freedom, causality, practical reason


In the Critique of Practical Reason, the concept of freedom, considered as the "keystone" for conceiving the systematic unity between the theoretical and practical uses of reason, raises a problem: its objective reality referred to supersensible practical objects can only be thought through the category of causality, which Kant had limited to sensible objects in the first Critique. This paper aims to explain how Kant solves this problem through the distinction between the theoretical use of the category of causality that involves determining objects in order to know them, and the practical meaning of this category, by which we only conceive the determination of the will to act according to the representation of the moral law.


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How to Cite

Hulshof, M. (2014). The concept of freedom and the systematic unity between theoretical and practical reason in Kant. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 19(2), 27-37.