Foucault: from Binswanger to Kant


  • Monica Stival Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Foucault, Kant, Binswanger, anthropology, conditions of existence


In the 1950s, Foucault becomes interested in the work of Binswanger. It seems to him that it circumvents the aporias of psychology. However, in the development of this analytical of existence, Foucault realizes some difficulties that lead him to resume Kant, through a reading of his Anthropology from a pragmatic point of view. I intend to restore the terms of this shift in perspective in order to circumscribe decisive matters for establishing Foucault’s philosophy. The key point is the status of the conditions of existence. These conditions are beyond, in principle, the existence taken as a sign, for they cannot be found unawarely of the tripartition of a transcendental philosophy.


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How to Cite

Stival, M. (2014). Foucault: from Binswanger to Kant. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 19(2), 131-148.