Tensions and (dis)tensions in the process of physical recovery of professional football players in Rio de Janeiro: a physical therapist's vision


  • Roberto Ferreira dos Santos Associação Salgado de Oliveira de Educação e Cultura Asoec. Umuarama. Osasco. SP. Brasil
  • Ilvo Carlos Casagrande Associação Salgado de Oliveira de Educação e Cultura Asoec. Umuarama. Osasco. SP. Brasil
  • Maurício Murad Associação Salgado de Oliveira de Educação e Cultura Asoec. Umuarama. Osasco. SP. Brasil
  • Carlos Eduardo Rafael de Andrade Ferrari Associação Salgado de Oliveira de Educação e Cultura Asoec. Umuarama. Osasco. SP. Brasil
  • Júlio Guilherme da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. RJ. Brasil




The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of physical therapists, identifying possible ethical or social problems occurred during their work at football clubs, such as pressures suffered and moments of tension experienced by these professionals. This research is qualitative in nature with a semi-structured interview being the instrument used to collect data. Reports provided by eight physical therapists from professional football clubs in the first division of the state of Rio de Janeiro were recorded. The data were objectively and qualitatively analyzed by means of Content Analysis. Two categories were retrospectively identified with two statements given by the respondents being underlined: the pressures that originate from their own athletes and the pressures that come from the club management. The results showed that these pressures exist and come from all areas; from the clubs in the form of their directors and players and even from their own Sports Medicine department. This process unequivocally results in periods of conflicts and tensions within the working environment, namely: the acceleration of an athlete's rehabilitation without he/she being able to play. This aspect is earmarked as one of the main aspects of athletes' health being compromised and of the obstacles in the way of physiotherapy professionals performing more competent work.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Tensions and (dis)tensions in the process of physical recovery of professional football players in Rio de Janeiro: a physical therapist’s vision . (2016). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 23(1), 21-29. https://doi.org/10.1590/1809-2950/14246023012016