Respiratory muscle strength and Modified Shuttle Walk Test performance in schoolers with cystic fibrosis




Cystic Fibrosis, Child, Respiratory Muscles, Exercise Test


Modified Shuttle Walk Test (MSWT) is a potentially maximal exercise test that, together with the assessment of respiratory muscle strength (RMS), reflects the respiratory condition and exercise capacity of schoolchildren with cystic fibrosis (CF). This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the RMS and the performance in the MSWT by schoolchildren with CF and to compare the data obtained with the values predicted in the literature. This is a cross-sectional observational study that included schoolchildren with CF. Anthropometric evaluation, spirometry and RMS evaluation were performed, using the maximal inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory (MEP) pressures (Globalmed MVD300® manovacuometer) (ATS/ ERS) (2002). Two MSWT were performed, with an interval of 30 minutes between them. The distribution of the data by the Shapiro-Wilk test was applied and paired t-test was used to compare the values of the evaluations with those predicted, as well as for comparison between genders. Pearson test was used for correlation between MIP and MEP and the performance in the MSWT. Significance of 5% was accepted. 28 children (9.9±1.9 years) participated; 57.14% showed MIP below the predicted (15 children) and 53.57% showed MEP below the predicted (16 children). The mean performance was 730.4±266.1m, which is lower than the values predicted in the literature. No relationship between performance and RMS was observed. A moderate correlation was observed between MIP and MEP values (r=0.58, p=0.01). No relationship between the RMS and the MSWT performance was observed in schoolchildren with CF of this study. The RMS and the performance in the MSWT were below the predicted in the literature.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Respiratory muscle strength and Modified Shuttle Walk Test performance in schoolers with cystic fibrosis. (2019). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 26(2), 196-201.