Influence of different seats on postural alignment: hammock adapted for cerebral palsy




Cerebral Palsy, Self-Help Devices, Posture


The hammock is an option to sit in the northern region of Brazil. However, its flexible structure can cause postural instability in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP), limiting their independence. Therefore, a hammock was created with a seat/back, seeking a seated positioning with adequate postural alignment. The objective was to verify the alignment of the trunk and lower limbs of individuals with CP in the conditions: adapted hammock, non-adapted hammock and bench, comparing them with control individuals without neurological disabilities. Six individuals with CP (CPG) and six individuals without neurological alterations (CG), aged between 8 and 14 years old, were evaluated in the seated posture under the conditions: adapted hammock, bench and hammock without seat/back support. By the kinematic analysis, angles of trunk, pelvis and lower limbs were evaluated in static posture for 5 seconds. Part of the Quebec B-Quest questionnaire was applied to the guardians. Results: lower limb, pelvis and trunk angles were similar in the three conditions. Quebec B-Quest: Greater satisfaction with product dimensions and less with comfort and safety. The adapted hammock can be considered an option to sit for short time, because it promoted postural control in individuals with CP.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Influence of different seats on postural alignment: hammock adapted for cerebral palsy. (2020). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 27(2), 161-167.