Reduced gait speed in hospitalized older adults: associated sociodemographic and mobility characteristics
Aged, Gait Speed, Hospitalization, Geriatric Health CareAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the predominance of
reduced gait speed in hospitalized older people and to verify
the association with demographic and mobility factors. This
is a cross-sectional, quantitative study conducted with older
adults from a teaching hospital in Paraná (2020–2021) (n=662).
Sociodemographic and health questionnaires were applied, as
well as the Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index (CFVI-20).
The Chi-square test was employed. Most participants were men
(51.8%), aged from 60 to 69 years (49.2%), married (47.9%),
retired or pensioners (69.5%), and with low education level
(31.3%). Reduced gait speed was present in 37.61% of the older
adults and associated with: age <70 years (p=0.003); nonexercise
of work activity (p=0.045); inability to raise arms above
shoulders (p=0.05) and handle and hold small objects (p=0.011);
and having stopped using the mobile phone (p<0.001) and
bathing alone (p=0.001) due to health. It is concluded that
the predominance of older people with reduced gait speed
was high, associated with the demographic characteristics of
advanced age and non-exercise of labor activity. Regarding
mobility factors, all the older adults showed an association
with reduced gait speed.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Danielle Bordin, Lorena Cruziniani Zubek, Giovana Aparecida Santos, Pamela Tainá Licoviski, Midiã Vanessa dos Santos Spekalski

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