(Post) Colonial Archives and Images: Analytical Contributions on two Photography Collections


  • Bruna Nunes da Costa Triana Universidade de Sao Paulo. Social Anthropology Graduate Program




Photographic genres, Ethnographic gaze, Photojournalism, Colonialism, Archive


This text brings together the genres of ethnographic and documentary photography as a way to problematize how both traditions utilized prevailing discourses of “truth” and “real”, in each given historical period, to give their practices a sense of intelligibility and legitimation. For this purpose, I address the photography collections of Portuguese José Augusto da Cunha Moraes (1855–1933) and Mozambican Ricardo Rangel (1924–2009) in order to shed light on aesthetic and technical conventions incorporated into their photography at the moment of production. My main argument is that a belief in an exterior reality, prone to be fully captured, either for the ends of producing scientific knowledge or denouncing social issues, guided both practices.


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Author Biography

  • Bruna Nunes da Costa Triana, Universidade de Sao Paulo. Social Anthropology Graduate Program

    PhD student in Social Anthropology at the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology of the University of São Paulo (PPGAS / USP) with a grant from the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo. Associate Researcher of the Visual Anthropology Group (GRAVI / USP), which conducts research on the themes of photography, memory, archives and colonialism






How to Cite

Triana, Bruna Nunes da Costa. 2017. “(Post) Colonial Archives and Images: Analytical Contributions on Two Photography Collections”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 2 (1). https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2525-3123.gis.2017.129127.