Review of the book “Fotografia e Império: Paisagens para um Brasil moderno”


  • Alexsânder Nakaóka Elias PhD student at Universidade Estuadual de Campinas.



Photography, History, Empire, Landscapes, Imaginary.


In “Photography and Empire: Landscapes for a Modern Brazil,” Natalia Brizuela (2012) presents the reader with an overview of nineteenth-century Brazil from photographs, stating that these images were intensely present in the construction of the national imaginary. Thus, the author emphasizes the important relationship between the photographs of this period with the configuration of space and the Brazilian territory. Whether with the landscapes (sights) produced at the imperial court of Dom Pedro II; the simultaneously technical and magical photography of Hercule Florence, which tell a story on the banks of the Empire; the portraits (called cartes de visite) that established the symbolism of slavery and white superiority; or in the images of Flávio de Barros on the War of Canudos, a sign of the formation of the New Republic, Brizuela’s book shows the capacity of photography to both disenchant and re-enact nature and the world.


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Author Biography

  • Alexsânder Nakaóka Elias, PhD student at Universidade Estuadual de Campinas.

    Journalist graduated in Social Communication from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. He holds a Master’s degree from the Graduate Program in Multimedia (Photography and Cinema) of the Unicamp Institute of Arts, with the help of FAPESP scholarship. Currently holds a PhD in Social Anthropology at Unicamp (FAPESP scholarship), studying subjects related to image, anthropology of image, religion, symbolism, rituals, verbal-visual narratives and oriental culture. He has a great in- terest in the study of imagery languages, especially photography, cine- ma and drawing. He is a researcher at the Anthropological Laboratory of Image and Graphics (LA’GRIMA) and the Group of Visual and Urban Studies of Unifesp (Visurb).





T.I.R. - Translations, Interviews and Reviews

How to Cite

Elias, Alexsânder Nakaóka. 2018. “Review of the Book ‘Fotografia E Império: Paisagens Para Um Brasil moderno’”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 3 (1).