Listening to the headphones, hearing the city: towards an audio-visual representation of the local musicking
Local musicking, Documentary, Riders, Collective production, Audiovisual narrativeAbstract
This essay discusses the use of audio-visual to represent the characteristics and possibilities of local musicking. When observing the process of creating the documentary Um ouvido no fone e o outro na cidade, the authors reflect on the uses and functions of music, as well as on the musical engagement and listening relationship of the riders – food deliverers by apps. These professionals are Brazilians who live in Dublin and who have music as an essential part of their work routine. In this sense, our question is: how to represent the diversity and contradictions of this local musicking? We argue that, through the collective stages of development and creation of this documentary, the directors express not only the engagement of the riders with the music, but also build a sensory representation of the music that runs through the relationships of work, affection and locality.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Renan Moretti Bertho, Alexsânder Nakaóka Elias, Brenno Brandalise Demarchi , Anna Flávia Guimarães Hartmann, Arthur Silva Barbosa, Luiz Henrique Campos Pereira , Noelle Rodrigues Ventura

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