The power of axé and its relationships among image, transformations and visibility




Power, Axé, Candomblé, Photograph


This article discusses representations of Candomblé produced by those who are part of it, in three Sergipe’s terreiros, of different lineages. The imagery cutout chosen is the photograph, since, even though the photographs are seen as clippings of realities and contexts, they present a series of interpretations about what they want to communicate. I try to think about the performative and political acts that these subjects perform by making visible or not the images that are produced in these three houses. Power was thought precisely by the fact that the word Axé represents Force, and therefore referred to its potentiality as a maintainer of religion. In the field, I heard a lot of phrases like "You can feel the axé in the photo"; "this saint there has a lot of axé", which despite being fixed in an image, is felt by those who recognize it in their daily lives.


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Author Biography

  • Díjna Andrade Torres

    Díjna Andrade Torres holds a PhD in Anthropology from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) and a Master in Sociology from the Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS). She is a journalist, undergraduate from the UFS, specialist in Afro-Brazilian culture at Faculdades Integradas de Jacarepaguá, she works in the area of ​​cultural production, African-based religions in Brazil, image, gender and applied research. She is a columnist for Portal Infonet in Sergipe, and producer of the podcast Por Trás da Mídia. E-mail:


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Dossier Religions (Articles)

How to Cite

Torres, Díjna Andrade. 2022. “The Power of Axé and Its Relationships Among Image, Transformations and Visibility”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 7 (1): e184633.