Ritual photography: an experience with the Huni Kuin people





Photography, Ritual, Ayahuasca, Huni Kuin, Experience


The investigation of the rite as a photographable object and photography itself as a rite from the performative gesture of photographing are the guidelines of this work. Fruit of an immersion experience with the Huni Kuin people in 2017, and the development of a photographic series carried out in ceremonial circumstances using Amazonian power plants, the text/story “Ritual Photography: An experience with the Huni Kuin people”.


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Author Biography

  • Bárbara Milano, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"

    BÁRBARA MILANO is a fruit between black, white and the ancestor of the Pindorama land. Master's student in Arts at the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP, 2020) where she develops the work “Ritual Photography” in the line of research: Artistic Processes and Procedures. She studied Visual Arts at the same institution (UNESP, 2015). Currently, she works as an artist in exhibitions and residencies, sewing between different languages ​​challenges form – from the body as an act [performativity] to photography as a silent register. Her body supports immaterial experiences. She is part of the research group GIIP / CAT (UNESP) in the area of ​​art and technology and the independent racialized women's collective Nacional Trovoa. E-mail: barbara.milano@unesp.br


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Ika Muru, Agostinho Manduca Mateus; Alexandre Quinet (Org.). Ika Muru, Agostinho Manduca Mateus; Manuel Vandique Dua Buse e o povo Huni Kuin do rio Jordão. 2011/2019. Una isi kaiawa: o livro da cura do povo Huni-Kuin do Rio Jordão. Rio de Janeiro: Dantes.

Kopenawa, Davi; Bruce Albert. 2015. Aqueda do céu: palavras de uma xamã Yanomami. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.

Narby, Jeremy. 2018. A serpente cósmica: O DNA e a origem do saber. Rio de Janeiro: Dantes.

Vidal, Lux. (Org.). 1992/2007. Grafismo Indígena. Silva, Aracy Lopes da; Agenor T. P. Farias. Pintura corporal e sociedade: os “partidos” Xerente. São Paulo: Studio Nobel: EDUSP: FAPESP.





Gesture, image and sounds

How to Cite

Milano, Bárbara. 2022. “Ritual Photography: An Experience With the Huni Kuin People”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 7 (1): e185779. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2525-3123.gis.2022.185779.