About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista de Graduação USP (Grad+) is an electronic journal that became biannual in 2023. It is under the responsibility of Universidade de São Paulo's Pro-Rectory of Undergraduate Studies. This periodical, which only accepts original articles, is a privileged space for the reflection and sharing of theoretical and empirical research, pedagogical experiences and teaching practices in the scope of higher education, taking a special interest in undergraduate studies.

Revista de Graduação USP has higher education teachers, graduate students, basic education teachers and educational management professionals, as well as researchers that focus on this theme as its target audience.

Peer-Review Process

At first, any articles that we receive will be appraised by the journal's editorial team. If they are compliant with the editorial criteria detailed below, the texts will be sent to peer-review, in which the material will be analyzed by two ad hoc reviewers so that they can give their technical recommendation. The author(s) will receive an anwer as to the acceptance or rejection of their article through our evaluation process, which is thoroughly explained at the end of this page. 

More specifically, the evaluation is oriented by the following criteria:

1. Adherece to the journal's guidelines, which are:

  • Substantiated reflections about pedagogical experiences and practices in undergraduate studies focusing on the processes of teaching and learning in the classroom and those that demonstrate attention to students' education in several areas. We appreciate articles on the subject of methodological approaches, such as active teaching methodologies; the critical assessment of undergraduate pedagogical proposals, activities and projects; the investigation, research, development and evaluation of teaching materials and their relationship with learning; teacher training; the analysis of group projects, field trips, fieldwork and experiments, etc., that promote the relationship between theory and practice; class planning and the analysis of initiatives that provide the approximation between the student and the socio-professional field; proposals to reformulate curricula; academic tutoring; pedagogical practices that demonstrate the relevance of socioeducational, cultural, and environmental aspects, etc. 
  • Articles that confirm the appreciation and topicality of the concerns involving undergraduate studies.

2. Relevance and applicability of results, that is, aside from the theoretical and/or practical contribution to a specific area or from an interdisciplinary point of view, we value articles that describe initiatives capable of being applied and recontextualized by others, the readers of this periodical.

3. Conceptual, theoretical and scientific rigor (methodological pertinence, validity of analyses and appropriate use of ideas and notions relative to the area's literature). 

4. Originality, novelty and topicality of proposed themes and objects.

5. Textual fluency, category in which the following must be kept in mind:

  • Suitability of the text's macrostructure (cohesion and coherence), which presupposes the connection and articulation between all parts of the text as well as the logical structuring of the text's argumentative path;
  • Subject-verb agreement, correct spelling and correct use of language. We accept articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


Biannual (from 2023).

Publication Fee

This is a journal that has an open access policy, so it does not require a publication fee. 

Open Acess Policy

This journal offers immediate open access to its content, following the principle that providing free and available scientific knowledge to the public expands the democratization of knowledge. 

Editorial Process Flowchart