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Author Guidelines



All submissions will be considered for publication in the 2024 volume. 


Revista de Graduação USP (Grad+) only publishes original and unpublished articles, that is, articles that have not been published nor sent to other journals. Articles are received through continuous submissions and also by invitation. Submissions may be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

We accept research articles, experience and "point of view" reports. This periodical does not publish reviews of existing literature, theoretical essays or theoretical research. We consider "point of view" reports the ones in which the author gives their substantiated opinion in a coherent manner about a certain theme pertaining to the periodical's scope, crafting a reflection that demonstrates their point of view, respecting ethical, democratic and inclusive principles.

The "point of view" report may discuss books, films, experiences, specific teaching materials, projects or programs, a resurgent theme, among others, as long as it pertains to pedagogical practices in undergraduate studies or classroom issues and contains bibliographic references and a theoretical foundation. We also reiterate that the author must have a postgraduate degree in the area about which they decide to write (or a related area). The editorial staff reserves the right to invite specific authors to submit their articles as long as the same review process is followed for all submissions.

The points of view and opinions present in any and all articles published by this periodical are not necessarily equal to those of the periodical, its editorial staff, or the Universidade de São Paulo. 

Articles can only be submitted via digital file in the following formats: .doc, .docx e .rtf. We do not accept physical submissions. 

This periodical does not accept articles with the sole authorship of undergraduate students. They must include an advisor as their co-author, which must also have some kind of responsibility over the content of the article. 

We request that the articles and reports fall somewhere in between 15,000 and 30,000 characters (including spaces). They must also use Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing, and justified alignment. The character limit only takes into account the body of the article or report (that is, the introduction, development and conclusion), including the references.

More specifically, the following guidelines must be adhered to when writing the article:

We accept articles written in Portuguese, English and Spanish;

• Titles must not be over two lines long. All articles must have titles in English, Portuguese and Spanish;

• Names and surnames of authors must be fully written out, not abbreviated. Each name must be placed in a different line and aligned to the left. A different number in superscript must be added to the right of each author's name. The authors' affiliations (department, division and institution) must be added under the authors' names and following each author's respective superscripted number. If the author is a member of staff or an undergraduate or graduate student, specify the course. Indicate the author who will handle the correspondence with an * and also provide their email address;

• Abstract: must fall somewhere between 100 and 250 words. The use of a single paragraph is recommended. If the article is being submitted in Portuguese or Spanish, one must write an Abstract in English apart from the one in the chosen language (Resumo/Resumen). If the article is being submitted in English, one must write an Abstract in Portuguese as well (Resumo);

• Keywords: between 3 and 5;

• Citations throughout the body of the article must adhere to the following model: (AUTHOR'S SURNAME, year, p., which corresponds to the page number);

• Textual citations up to three lines long must be incorporated into the paragraph and followed by the bibliographical indication as shown above. Citations over three lines long must be a separate paragraph  with a 4 cm border from the left, use size 11 font and not use quotations;

The author's/authors' ORCID and their last name must be added to the end of the article's main text and before the references section;

• For the references, the author must, preferentially, follow the ABNT format just like the following examples:

ARAÚJO, U. F.; SASTRE, G. (Orgs.). Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas no Ensino Superior. São Paulo: Summus, 2009, pp. 101-122.

CAMPBELL, G.; DEMETRIOU, L. A.; ARNETT, T. R. Virtual Histology in the Classroom and Beyond. Medical Education, vol. 44, n. 11, nov. 2010, pp. 1124-1125. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em 20 jun. 2016.

COUGHLAN, P.; COUGHLAN, D. Action Research: Action Research for Operations Management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 22, n. 2, 2002, pp. 220-240.

GOLDSCHMIDT, V. Tempo Lógico e Tempo Histórico na Interpretação dos Sistemas Filosóficos. In: A Religião de Platão. Trad. Oswaldo Porchat Pereira & Ieda Porchat Pereira. São Paulo: DIFEL, 1963, pp.139-147.

MOURA, B. L. de. Aplicação do Peer-instruction no Ensino de Matemática e Ciências Exatas para Alunos de Quinto Ano do Ensino Fundamental. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Projetos Educacionais de Ciências), Escola de Engenharia de Lorena, Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.

SILVA FILHO, R. L. L.; MOTEJUNAS, R.; HIPOLITO, O.; LOBO, M. B .C. M. A Evasão no Ensino Superior Brasileiro. Cadernos de Pesquisa, São Paulo, vol. 37, n. 132, set./dez. 2007, pp. 641-659.

UNESCO. Towards Knowledge Societies: UNESCO World Report. Paris: UNESCO Publishing. 2005.

VELASCO, P. D. N. Educando para a Argumentação: Contribuições do Ensino da Lógica. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2010.

VIEIRA NETO, P. O que é Análise de Texto. In: LIMONGI, Maria Isabel de Magalhães et al. Seis Filósofos na Sala de Aula. São Paulo: Berlendis & Vertecchia, 2006.

VYGOTSKY, L. S. Thought and Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.

Graphs, Images and Tables: Images must be sent in as a JPEG, with at least a 300 dpi resolution, with dimensions that allow for its magnification or reduction without compromising its legibility. We highlight the fact that all images must be located in the body of the article while remaining possible to edit by the journal's staff. The same applies to graphs and tables. All images must have a title and number, as well as a description in the caption. If the image does not belong to the author and has a source (if it was, for instance, taken from the internet, they must verify if it belongs to a free image bank and may be reproduced. Or, if applicable, they must indicate where the image was found and any reproduction rights. 

The feedback time regarding the acceptance or rejection of the articles submitted to Revista de Graduação USP will vary depending on the reviewers' availability and on the changes suggested by them. We estimate that the review process will take from three to six months to be concluded. The submission will, first, be evaluated based on its form and, after that is adjusted, the review process will continue. The articles' dates of submission and approval will be added to the article upon publication. The editorial team will define how the approved articles are grouped when the members need to organize partially or completely theme-oriented volumes.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission is original and unpublished as well as not being reviewed for publication by any other periodicals. Articles that have been published in conference annals may be submitted as long as the chief editor is informed and the submission contents are altered so it is not considered self- plagiarism.
  • The submission file must be in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
  • The author must inform the URLs for each of their references.
  • The text must follow the style and reference guidelines detailed in "Author Guidelines", under "About".
  • Enter the authors' ORCID when submitting the article to validate the submission. You can create an ORCID at the following link:
  • The text must and use Times New Roman, size 12, and 1.5 spacing. It must also italicize words instead of underline them (with the exception of URLs). Tables and images must be a part of the body of the text and not be added to the end of the document as appendices.
  • All authors must be, at the very least, enrolled in a graduate course. If that is not the case, they must have a graduate student as a co-author or submit their article along with a professor. We do not accept the submission of an undergraduate thesis without the author's advisor as the co-author.


The articles' organization must follow the traditional model that is most often seen in scientific publications in an array of fields of knowledge [Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Body (in all of its variations), Conclusion and References]. In general terms, this category encompasses longer and more complex texts that must aspire to be well substantiated by its field's literature and by the production of consolidated results.


The reports, which have a freer structure by nature, can be about ongoing research as well as present partial results pertaining to classroom experiences, course management and heading undergraduate committees, among others. We highlight that these reports should not be confused with an activity report. Actually, this genre must focus on showcasing techniques, practices, teaching strategies, reformulations of the structure of curricula, or anything else that somehow impacted undergraduate studies and that could eventually serve as a model or parameter for other professors, departments, and institutions.

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The names and addresses provided to this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not become available to any third parties or be used for anything else.