A disciplina Optativa – EFE148/Remo no currículo do Bacharelado em Esporte em parceria CEPEUSP/EEFE: experiência na prática de ensino.


  • José Carlos Simon Farah Universidade de São Paulo. Centro de Práticas Esportivas
  • Carolina Magalhães Universidade de São Paulo. Centro de Práticas Esportivas




Rowing, Bachelor of Sport, Elective Course, Experience


This report presents the rowing sport modality as an elective course (EFE148–Remo), as part of an agreement between the School of Physical Education and Sports and the Sports Center, both of the University of São Paulo (USP). This discipline was held in the Olympic Paddle of USP, from 2009 to 2015. In order to offer the students learning conditions and also to collaborate in their academic background, the structure of the course emphasizes the practice of rowing as well as the practice of teaching it, so the student experiences the modality both as a student and as a teacher, fundamental components of the interaction process between theory and practice. Discussions with the students made it clear that the training of undergraduation teachers presupposes the elaboration of a curriculum which includes experience as a main tool to understanding the process of learning and teaching rowing


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How to Cite

FARAH, José Carlos Simon; MAGALHÃES, Carolina. A disciplina Optativa – EFE148/Remo no currículo do Bacharelado em Esporte em parceria CEPEUSP/EEFE: experiência na prática de ensino. Revista de Graduação USP, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 2, n. 1, p. 147–150, 2017. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2525-376X.v2i1p147-150. Disponível em: https://periodicos.usp.br/gradmais/article/view/123885.. Acesso em: 24 jun. 2024.