Geochemistry of mafic dykes of the East region of Alta Floresta Gold Province: inferences on their mantle sources and geodynamic implications




Amazonian Craton, Mafic dykes, Geochemistry, Mantle


The mafic dyke swarm from the Peixoto de Azevedo and Nova Guarita, Eastern region of the Alta Floresta Gold Province (AFGP) is composed of tholeiitic evolved basalts originated from enriched mantle source, due to the action of metasomatic fluids from a subducted oceanic crust overlaid by significant amounts of GLOSS- type material. The swarm intrudes Paleoproterozoic granites and gneisses from the Cuiú-Cuiú and Juruena magmatic arcs at 1,419 Ma. In the Amazonian Craton, its geochemical characteristics related to the mantle source are very similar to those from the Paleoproterozoic Carajás mafic dykes and Vespor mafic suite. Compared to other dykes swarms of similar age and origin, it is comparable to the dykes of Nova Lacerda, as well as other regions of the Columbia Supercontinent, such as the Bas Drâa Inlier dams to the W of the Craton of Africa, the Midsommerso sill to the NE of Greenland and the Michael Gabbro levees, in Grenville Province, Canada. These intrusions yielded ages from 1.42 to 1.33 Ga, during the last phases of the Supercontinent Columbia break-up.


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How to Cite

Primo, G. M. A., Costa, P. C. C. da, & Girardi, V. A. V. (2020). Geochemistry of mafic dykes of the East region of Alta Floresta Gold Province: inferences on their mantle sources and geodynamic implications. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 20(4), 3-22.