Assessment of cave inventories and qualification mechanisms from the perspective of educational use and scientific dissemination




Geoconservation, Speleological heritage, Education


Due to the current discussions about the need for projects to promote the conservation of Brazilian caves, this article presents an assessment of the mechanisms available for the inventory and qualification of caves, and highlights the necessary adjustments for the use of such information in educational and scientific dissemination projects. The data were collected through the documentary analysis of 24 studies produced by researchers and institutions, available in national and international databases. As parameters for qualitative analysis, five categories were established that grouped studies with similar characteristics into: inventories, qualification methodology, environmental characterization and diagnosis techniques, theses and technical-scientific publications, and other evaluations of the speleological heritage. Each study was also submitted to a quantitative analysis, with the determination of a numerical scale representing its usability for educational projects. The criteria adopted were based on content and on the studies’ suitability for educational purposes. The results indicate that there is relevant data variation between the qualification inventories. For educational use and scientific dissemination, the management plan is the one that best addresses the information that can be used, but it still has technical language and is limited to some regions. The comparative analysis showed that, for the elaboration of pedagogical strategies and teaching materials, it is necessary to combine information from different mechanisms. In conclusion, an evaluation mechanism is needed that can respond clearly and objectively to demands for the inclusion of the theme of caves in basic education, in a way that is interdisciplinary and that allows teachers and students to appropriate knowledge of the speleological heritage. 


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How to Cite

Menin, D. de S. ., & Bacci, D. de L. C. . (2022). Assessment of cave inventories and qualification mechanisms from the perspective of educational use and scientific dissemination. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 22(3), 3-17.