Geoguide and website as a tool for geocommunication and diffusion of the geodiversity and cultural heritage of Ponta das Campanhas, Southern Santa Catarina Island, SC, Brazil




Florianópolis, Constructed heritage, Geodiversity, Geotourism, Scientific based tourism


The southern region of Santa Catarina Island is defined by a peculiar geomorphology, with rocky shores outlined and covered by recent sedimentary systems, which design a geodiversity, not only of unique scenic beauty, but also important from a scientific and educational point of view. Ponta das Campanhas, a popular geosite for tourists interested in nature tourism and surfing, consists of an important fishing region, including artisanal fishing, and is one of the starting points for boat trips to Campeche Island. This region, focus of the present study, constitutes an island and the rocks that delineate the shores serve as support for the ecosystem services of marine life and provision. The shores are made up of pyroclastic volcanic rocks of Neoproterozoic age related to the Cambirela Suite (590 Ma), and crosscut by basic dikes related to the Paraná-Etendeka Magmatic Province (134 Ma). In order to promote local geodiversity, and the cultural heritage of the region, a virtual geoguide was created, which includes six points, containing accessible points directly related to geosite, cultural, and built heritage. The classification methodology was carried out with multi-value criteria and also with the use of the Geossit platform, which allowed the classification of the geosite as of National Relevance. After collecting and processing the data, they were spatialized and made available on a website where those interested can find textual and graphic information about the geological, archaeological, cultural and built heritage, as well as maps and the georoute.


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How to Cite

Ottmann, G. A. ., & Florisbal, L. M. . (2023). Geoguide and website as a tool for geocommunication and diffusion of the geodiversity and cultural heritage of Ponta das Campanhas, Southern Santa Catarina Island, SC, Brazil. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 23(2), 127-138.