Kinematics modelling of the faults systems and application in cases of N030 and N040 natural slopes in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil




Kinematic analysis, Slope stability, Slope failures, Salvador Fault System, Iguatemi Fault System, Landslide risk assessment


The disorderly process of urban occupation in a region of marked topographic variation transformed the city of Salvador into the Brazilian city most susceptible to mass movement natural disasters. Simultaneously, there is a lack of geotechnical studies about the correlation between the city’s substrate and its possible interference toward the deflagration of slope failures. This study was based on the kinematic modelling with equal-area stereographic projection (Schmidt-Lambert). Natural slopes N030 and N040, respectively related to the Salvador Fault System (SFS) and the Iguatemi Fault System (IFS),
were considered as parameters, as well as the main brittle structures in the region. The kinematic modelling was applied to a case study of 67 slopes located near SFS and SFI. These slopes were identified and interpreted with morphostructural lineaments characterization, using the digital elevation model of the TOPODATA project, and through cross-sections in a contour map of the city of Salvador. The data obtained by kinematic modeling enabled the identification of slope configurations susceptible to failure mechanisms associated with brittle structures described in the region. The case study describes six locations in Salvador where wedge failure hazards are detected and one location where the hazard is related to the toppling mechanism. The findings of this study allow both policy makers and the technical officers of local enterprises to establish a more accurate geotechnical diagnosis regarding the stability of slopes, with less risk of social and material damages. 


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How to Cite

Menezes, L. de S. ., & Corrêa-Gomes, L. C. . (2023). Kinematics modelling of the faults systems and application in cases of N030 and N040 natural slopes in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 23(3), 3-17.