Stratigraphic correlation between ground penetrating radar and standard penetration test in coastal barrier systems




Geotechnics, Geological soundings, Sedimentology, Sedimentary compaction


Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) or georadar has been successfully used in coastal regions studies to locate and identify sedimentary structures. This technique promotes rapid acquisition development, and in certain coastal environments provides a unique dataset for stratigraphic analysis. In the vast majority of GPR application cases, the depth correlation is performed with a geological survey, marking the reflectors from a stratigraphic analysis. Even so, there is a limitation due to the fact that some sedimentary strata do not present textural changes in their composition; when they do, they are in lower resolution than  the GPR record. Another way of marking the electromagnetic and geological records is based on sedimentary compaction data, through the application of standard penetrating test (SPT) soundings. Thus, three SPT soundings were performed on a 1.5 km acquisition line with GPR. The correlation between these two techniques allowed the marking of stratigraphic horizons that present differences in terms of sedimentary compaction, specifically by the compaction difference at the interface of aeolian and beach sediments.


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How to Cite

Lima, L. G. de . (2023). Stratigraphic correlation between ground penetrating radar and standard penetration test in coastal barrier systems. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 23(3), 47-55.