Geodiversity’s ecocentric value in geosites of the Costões and Lagunas Geopark Project




Anthropocentrism, Ecocentrism, Geoheritage, Quantitative valuation


It is undeniable in society the prevalence of the anthropocentric view on the relationship between human beings and nature and its elements, whether abiotic or biotic, as a justification for a posture of dominance of the former over the environment. In an analysis of geodiversity studies, especially in the qualitative and/or quantitative valuation approach, it is also possible to perceive the presence of anthropocentrism. Despite being part of nature, it is not ecologically feasible to place human communities at the center of ecosystems. From this understanding and from the ideas of land ethics, by Aldo Leopold, ecocentrism emerges, which seeks to place nature at the center. Thus, this work seeks to apply ecocentrism in the quantitative assessment of geodiversity in geosites of the Costões and Lagunas Geopark Project (RJ), in an analysis in which anthropocentric questions do not predominate in relation to abiotic diversity. A specific method of evaluating sites was proposed, with analysis of four groups of values: balance, ecological, registration and anthropic. It should be noted that the benefits provided by abiotic diversity benefit the entire ecosystem, not just human well-being, considering, however, that this is also part of the environment and plays a fundamental role in modifying environmental conditions. The results show sites where human use appears to be predominant, but also show places where the benefits provided by geodiversity itself, in maintaining the environmental balance and in establishing, protecting and reproducing life are the main ones. Finally, it was observed that the ecocentric view is possible and viable in the analysis of geodiversity, and is therefore encouraged.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. L. N. da ., & Mansur, K. L. . (2023). Geodiversity’s ecocentric value in geosites of the Costões and Lagunas Geopark Project. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 23(2), 165-179.