Integrated study of aerogeophysics and structural geology applied to the geological mapping of the Serra do Jatobá region, Alto Pajeú Terrane, Borborema Province




Airborne geophysical data, Structural analysis, Borborema Province


This study integrates satellite data (ASTER GDEM), airborne geophysical maps (gamma-ray spectrometry and magnetometry) and field investigation to refine the geological knowledge about the Serra do Jatobá region, Alto Pajeú Terrane of the Borborema Province. This terrane is of particular interest for the study of this neoproterozoic province, as it comprises rocks developed in the interval 1000 – 920 Ma, related to the Cariris Velhos event. Six geological units were mapped and present geophysical contrasts, mainly on the ternary compositional (RGB). They include local orthoderived rocks (Cabrobró Complex), paraderived rocks formed by schists, calcsilicate rocks, and quartzites (Lagoa das Contendas and São Caetano complexes), intrusive metagranites (Recanto-Riacho do Forno and Serra do Jatobá suites), and Brasiliano-related granitoids (Itaporanga and Triunfo). These units display NW-SE and E-W orientations in response to the development of transcurrent structures denominated Quixabeira, Margarida, and Moça shear zones, which obliterate the previous thrustrelated top-to-the-SSE fabrics (i.e., Cacimba and Jatobá shear zones). The regional orientation of these structures is easily observed in the first derivative DZ magnetic map. These shear zones are cut by NW-SE and E-W striking fractures and faults direction that mark the ductile-brittle transition in the region.


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How to Cite

Paixão, M. S. da ., Santos, L. C. M. de L. ., & Araújo Neto, J. F. de . (2023). Integrated study of aerogeophysics and structural geology applied to the geological mapping of the Serra do Jatobá region, Alto Pajeú Terrane, Borborema Province. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 23(4), 87-101.