Is there Truth in Interpretation? A framework for correctness in the interpretive domain based on the work of Joseph Raz


  • Caio Xavier Universidade de São Paulo



Interpretation, Truth, Joseph Raz, Epistemology, Analytic Philosophy


This article aims at articulating a correctness criterium to interpretive propositions about a given object based on the fundamentals of Joseph Raz's work regarding the theory of interpretation and moral philosophy. It is depicted a problem situation in which many individuals contend over the best interpretation of a surrealist painting. In sequence, central premises of the razian thought are outlined and the model of parameters for evaluating interpretations is presented, grounded in a minimum level of correspondence with the interpreted object and in a degree of fostering of the targeted value by means of that modality of interpretive activity. At the end, the refered model is applied to settle on a reasoned basis the dispute first described.


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Author Biography

  • Caio Xavier, Universidade de São Paulo

    Graduado em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de SãoPaulo (FDUSP) (2018-2022), sendo contemplado como Prêmio Melhor Aluno da turma de ingresso. Mestrando em Direito Civil na FDUSP, com ingresso em 2024. Assistente Jurídico da Seção de Direito Privado do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo. À época do envio do artigo, o autor ainda não tinha ingressado no mestrado.


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How to Cite

Xavier, C. (2024). Is there Truth in Interpretation? A framework for correctness in the interpretive domain based on the work of Joseph Raz. Humanidades Em diálogo, 13, 153-163.