Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory by Patricia Hill Collins: The journey of intersectionality towards a critical social theory
Intersectionality, Patricia Hill Collins, Social justice, Critical social theory, ReviewAbstract
Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory, by Patricia Hill Collins, is the subject of this review, which highlights her comprehensive analysis of intersectionality, being, at the same time, an introductory and in-depth work on the topic. In it, Collins explores the origins, evolution and applications of intersectionality, presenting it as a critical social theory under construction and the paths to achieving its consolidation, which include ethical commitment, dialogue with resistant currents of thought and the promise to combat social inequalities, fighting for a fairer society.
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MAZZUCATTO, Maria R. Bem Mais que Ideias, de Patricia Hill Collins: a jornada da interseccionalidade em direção à uma teoria social crítica. Interfaces da Comunicação, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, 2023, p. 1-6.
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